1016 Wells St.

35.985679, -78.915797

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(Below in italics is from the National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

2-story tri-gable house with a 2-story rear wing, 2 interior chimneys, and a one-story porch with classical posts. Alterations include the enclosure of a corner porch bay, vinyl siding and him, and vinyl replacement sash windows. Dolly G. Perry was the occupant in 1935. Non-contributing.

(I think this is silly to have a bunch of 1950s houses on this block be contributing structures, but not this one - based on vinyl siding and replacement windows. It's clearly part of the very early development of the area and significant as one of a few 'rural' structures at the south end of the Vickers land and north of the future Forest Hills.)

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