1400 W. Chapel Hill St.

35.996861, -78.920095

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 2010 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

This one-and-a-half story, side-gabled Craftsman house is three-bays wide and double pile with a shed-roofed rear ell on the right side. The house has clipped gables with knee braces and two shed-roofed dormers, likely added later, on the façade. The modern, hollow-care front door is sheltered by a gabled roof supported by large knee braces and a side door on the left side is sheltered by a low gable supported by knee braces. The house is covered with painted wood shingles and the dormers have painted wood weatherboards. The windows are one-over-one replacement windows throughout. The earliest known resident of the house is John R. Barry (editor, Durham Sun newspaper) in 1925.

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