1600 Holloway

35.993692, -78.873876

Cross Street
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Poole's Produce by the 1950s, and the Holloway Street Supermarket by the 1960s, this corner store is now a Kwik Stop, and appears to be a purveyor of such necessities as Newports rather than produce.

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I knew this place as Mr. Butry's store in the 1960's. Growing up only a block away on Lathrop St., I thought it was a wonderful place for a Long John, honey bun, Bazooka bubble gum, orange push-up, or a Dr. Pepper from the large red cooler on the porch. I can still almost feel the icy sensation of thrusting my hand into that freezing water to retrieve a drink. An employee called Pop-Eye delivered groceries on a bike with an enormous basket on the front. Today some might call him mentally challenged, but we kids didn't notice that as much as we were terribly envious of that bike! Mr. Butry was highly respected and well-loved in the community. Great memories of that place and those people.

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