202 Cherry Grove Street - Joseph Gunter House

35.986907, -78.879068

Year built
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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202 CG.jpg

(Below in italics is from the 2004 East Durham National Register listing, not verified for accuracy by this author.)

2-story late Queen Anne-style house with a high hip roof, a 2-story gabled front wing, German siding, 2-over-2 sash windows, and a wraparound porch with boxed posts and a simple wood railing. A quartz wall retains the front yard.  1937 SM.1935-1940 CDs;Jos. Gunter owner/occupant (machinist).

Shed. Ca. 1950. Shed-roofed board-and-batten shed.

202 Cherry Grove 12_0.JPG



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