914 Exum St.

35.997523, -78.918592

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(Below in italics is from the Burch Avenue National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

This one-story, side-gabled house is three-bays wide and triple pile retains little original material. It features an asphalt-shingled, clipped-gabled roof with vinyl-covered knee braces, vinyl siding, and one-over-one replacement windows. The replacement asymmetrical frontgabled porch is supported by tapered wood posts resting on a concrete slab. There is an exterior end brick chimney in the right gable end and an interior chimney at the right rear.

The house replaced an earlier duplex that stood on the site in 1937.

Garage, c. 1945 – One-story, front-gabled, frame garage with an asphalt-shingled roof and molded wood weatherboards. It has a pair of hinged plywood doors on the façade.


The house actually appears as a duplex on both the 1937 and 1950 Sanborn maps, and appears unchanged. Per comments below, the house was likely built between 1919 and 1923


This house actually is the duplex that stood on the site in 1937. It was most likely built in 1919, at least by dating the coal chute in the basement. I actually met someone that was born in the house in 1923, and he said it is exactly the house that he grew up in.

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