931 East Main St.

35.989035, -78.89006

Year built
Construction type
Local historic district
National Register
Building Type
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On the left, 1979.


931-933 E. Main., 1979

931 East Main housed "The Morris Company" in 1919-1923, a "dry goods store" (which likely means that it primarily sold clothing) run by "Misses Ola and Valeria Morris."

1933: Harrington & Parker Grocers.

1952: Durham Forge and Welding
1955: "
1960: "


From the 1984 NR nomination:

Small one-story brick building with cornice of small corbelled pendants and tall transom of small panes of glass across main facade just above plate glass display windows. 

It currently houses Park West Barber School, which has been a welcome addition to the 900 block of East Main since ~2006. The presence of students and an active retail frontage help to enliven what is otherwise a too-quiet block face.

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