Piedmont Furniture/ Holland And Morgan

35.997944, -78.900902

Cross Street
Year demolished
Construction type
Building Type
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At the southeast corner of Morgan and Holland was Piedmont Furniture. Several furniture stores were located near Holland, Foster, and East Chapel Hill St.

Looking southeast, with a view down Holland St.

Holland St. ran behind Holland Bros. furniture, on Foster St., and was fronted by several businesses on the east side of the street.

These buildings were taken by the city as part of urban renewal, and by 1969, the Piedmont Furniture store has a "Going Out of Business" sign.

(Courtesy Durham County Library)
Looking southeast, with a view down Morgan St.

The buildings were demolished soon thereafter, and by 1970, the landscape was a sea of surface parking, which it remains today.

Looking southeast from Morgan at the former corner of Holland St., 2007.

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