113 East Seeman Street

36.006459, -78.892752

Cross Street
Year built
Year demolished
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
State ID
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113 East Seeman Street - Holloman House - 1910s.
(Courtesy The Herald-Sun Newspaper)

(Below in italics is from the 1985 North Durham-Duke Park National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

Large two story weatherboard sided structure. Main body of house is rectangular with hip roof. Gable topped side projecting
pavilion in front of house is design highlight. Attached wraparound veranda supported by slender round columns. J.B. Mason owned the property prior to selling it in 1903 to T.G. Sexton for $175. J.B. Mason was cashier at Citizens National Bank at the same time Benjamin Duke was president of the same institution.

Mason's acquisition of the property prior to formal subdivision of the area suggests that the property may have been a gift from Duke to Mason. Mason was also a Durham city alderman in the early 1900s. Mason never lived at this address, which suggests that T.G. Sexton was the first resident at this address as the city directory for 1907 shows his residence as 199 East Seeman Street. Jimmy Andrews, at one time Durham's only foot patrolman and a popular character well-known to older residents in the community, purchased the house in 1922 for $150. The property remained in the Andrews family until 1966.


1981 (Old North Durham Architecture Slides collection, Durham County Library)

True to his name, Fireball White et al let this great, abandoned house burn to the ground rather than sell it (along with 111 East Seeman.)


113 East Seeman, 03.28.11


And thus is the history of so many great old homes throughout Durham. Neglected by slumlords and left to rot, burn down, or get torn down.

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