319 West Trinity Avenue

36.005237, -78.900432

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319 West Trinity Ave., 04.04.11

Likely the most architecturally 'fun' house in Durham, the historic inventory nicely sums up the overflowing character of 319 West Trinity Avenue:

"One of the most fanciful houses in the North Durham neighborhood, this cottage, erected around 1928, derives its frivolous quality from such elements as the small archway outlined with random-coursed ashlar that is engaged to the front wall. The one-story gable-roof front wing includes an engaged porch roof sheathed in scalloped wooden shingles."

I can't believe they made it through those two long sentences without using the word "whimsical." The current owner has been restoring the house; no word as to whether the Hobbits/Gnomes/Elves gentrified out of this neighborhood in the 14th century will be returning.

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Rumors are flying that the current owner is in fact a hobbit. Actually, they're not, I'm just trying to start those rumors.

i have heard a slightly different rumor; namely while the current owner welcomes hobbits and elves warmly, the current owner is only merely tolerant of gnomes (mostly due to their ubiquitous and passé nature).

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