1000-1004 E. Main St.

35.988424, -78.88962

Cross Street
Year built
Year demolished
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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1934 CD:

1000 E. Main: Edward H. Chappell - Justice of the Peace and Men's Furnishings

1002-1004: Edgemont Beauty Shop

1956 CD:

1000 E. Main: East Main Street Seafood Market; Edgemont Shoe Shop

1002-1004 E. Main: Frances' Beauty Shop


From a 1996 Golden Belt NR district boundary increase:

In the early 1980s, the buildings in the blocks north of Main Street, opposite the boundary of the Golden Belt Historic District, were scheduled for demolition. The block on the northwest corner of East Main and North Elm streets contained houses and the brick commercial building on the corner. The houses were demolished, but the commercial building was spared. A. neighborhood plan was developed for the area in 1987 that recommended restoration of 1000- 1004 East Main Street as part of the efforts to revitalize the small Main Street commercial corridor. It is proposed to apply the Secretary's Standards for Rehabilitation to the revitalization project in order to maintain the early twentieth-century commercial architecture of the historic district.

Not sure what happened to that plan, but someone went to a lot of trouble for nothing. Of course, they were right to think that revitalizing these buildings would help the neighborhood. Now this corner is the ass end of a cul-de-sac extending off of Angier Ave. - uttterly, entirely inappropriate for a major corner and prominent street frontage on East Main Street at the heart of the Edgemont/Golden Belt commercial district. Dumb.

04.02.14 (G. Kueber)


I remember this corner well. Whitey and Eunice Olive ran the fish market when I was a boy in the early 60s. Our house backed up to the rear of the building in the back. I could walk there as a 5 year old. Mrs. Eunice would always give me oatmeal cookies. I remember them as being the best I ever had but in reality probably nothing special. They were great people and we used to go back and visit them even after we moved away. My grand parents lived around the corner on Morning Glory .

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