1000 Wells St. / 1324 Arnette Ave.

35.985682, -78.914732

Cross Street
Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Durham County tax office)

(Below in italics is from the National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

Raised basement 1-story house with a pyramidal hip on gable roof, an interior chimney, and entrances facing Amette Ave. as well as Wells St. The Arnette Ave. entrance, located in the brick basement, has a door with sidelights beneath a 1- bay entrance porch with boxed posts and a Chippendale roof railing. The Wells St. entrance has a plain door with a 3-bay porch with boxed posts and a Chippendale railing. Other features are plain weatherboard and 6-over-1 sash windows. W. Herbert Mock, salesman at Moss' Bakery, was the occupant in 1935. The 1937 Sanbom Map shows this house as a duplex and the only dwelling on the west side of the block


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