1010 Burch Ave. - M. Webb Thompson House Ii

35.998102, -78.920057

Year built
Year(s) modified
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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From the National Register of Historic Places, Burch Avenue Historic District:

"This two-story, side-gabled Colonial Revival brick house is three-bays wide and double pile. The symmetrical façade features a pair of gabled dormers in the roof, each with a one-over-one window and large dentil-like molding along the eaveline. The central front door is sheltered by a gabled portico with full pediment, supported by Doric columns and pilasters.

The door itself is a four-light over two-panel door and has a decorative yellow-brick surround. Windows are six-over-six wood windows throughout and have brick sills and lintels, with wood shutters on the façade. A stepped brick chimney with concrete shoulders rises along the east end of the building. The house sits on a rise above Burch Avenue and has a brick retaining wall on the south and east sides. The house was constructed in the 1940s by contractor M. Webb Thompson, who also built the Craftsman house across the street (at 1009 Burch) in 1923. The house was renovated in ~2009 with a shed-roofed dormer added to the rear of the house and a rear carport removed."

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