106 W. Seeman St.

36.006508, -78.894556

Year built
Year(s) modified
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
Historic Preservation Society of Durham Plaque No.
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The 1880s era house originally stood on North Mangum Street. The historic inventory speculates that William L. Umstead built the house. I think it's unlikely. Umstead was a tobacconist, and partner with Walter C. Bradsher in the company Bradsher and Umstead. I'm not clear on when this William Umstead was born, but he may have been too young to have built the house in the 1880s. Regardless, he is listed at 421 North Mangum Street, considerably southward, in 1903. Note that he is not the same William (B.) Umstead who was district attorney, U.S. Representative, U.S. Senator, and NC Governor.

Handsome ornamentation, which includes cornice brackets, pointed arched lintels above round arched windows, and double entrance doors with raised panels beneath the transom, indicates a construction date in the 1880s for this two story single pile house with triple A roofline and weatherboard exterior. Around 1915, Umstead had the house moved to its present site to make room for his second residence built on the corner, the Umstead- Rollins House at 1101 North Mangum. Around 1975, the present owner had the original house restored.·




I love my house!! Been here for 35 years!!

Researching Ancestry and found that my Grandfather lived in this house 1924-1926. 

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