1109 Liberty Street

35.9927, -78.880989

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 2004 East Durham National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

William Bright House. 1 2/2-story side-gable bungalow with a shed dormer window, 4-over-4 and 6-over-6 sash wndows, and an engaged porch. Alterations include all-over vinyl siding and replacement metal porch posts and railing. 1925-1940 CDs: Wm. H. Bright owner/occupant (shipping clerk, Austin Heaton Co.). 1937 SM.

1109 Liberty_0.jpg


William Herring Bright and Swannie Blanche Scott Bright were my grandparents. They had nine children. Their surviving child, my aunt (born 1919), said the family moved to 1109 Liberty Street when she was two years of age. The last three of their children, including my father, Charles Marlon Bright (05/23/24-01/17/95), were born in this home. My grandfather resided there until his death (02/53) and my grandmother moved from Liberty Street in 1954 or '55.

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