112 North Buchanan Boulevard

36.002944, -78.912277

Year built
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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This house is illustrated in The Durham Morning Herald, August 20, 1916, with a two-page feature entitled "Mr. W. B. Davis' New Residence and Firms Who Assisted in Construction." The caption beneath the photograph of the house reads: The latest edition to Durham's "Homes Beautiful." Mr. Walter B. Davis is the proprietor and the handsome residence is on Guess Street near the intersection of Mangum. This is one of the most modern residences that has been erected in Durham for several months. It is equipped with every convenience. [note: This house was on Guess Street near Main Street, not Mangum Street. Guess Street is now N. Buchanan Blvd.]

Advertisements note the following:

J. H. Horner, Contractor, built the residence.

Rose and Rose were the Architects.

W. K. Dennis did the sheet metal work.

W. J. Highsmith did all the plumbing.

Durham Traction Co. provided electric wiring and fixtures.

Cary Lumber Company provided lumber.

Wood Brothers did the painting.

Public Hardware Company provided the hardware.

Carolina Light & Power Company installed gas.




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