116 West Parrish Street

35.995951, -78.900673

Year built
Year(s) modified
Construction type
Local historic district
National Register
Building Type
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116 West Parrish was built between 1906 and 1910 as the remainder (western portion) of the 100 block of West Parrish developed subsequent to NC Mutual.

Looking northeast, 1911. The building appears to have a sign that says "_ Soda".
(Courtesy Duke Archives)

A view of Parrish Street, looking northwest, 1924.
(Courtesy Duke Archives)

By mid-century, this building had become Ferrell's Watch Hospital.

Looking northwest, 1965
(Courtesy Durham County Library)

In 1966, a lovely facade covering was appiled.



It was not removed until a few years ago; the building has been renovated and contains offices for the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development.

Looking northwest, 2007.

In 2011-2012, the building was renovated and now houses the "Parrish Street Forum"




I'm not sure, but I believe that this is 108 and/or 114 West Parrish Street, not 116.


I'd have to go back and look at my sources, but I know that sometimes I've utilized the historic address rather than the present one because addresses shifted after buildings were demolished, and it becomes difficult to write about the demolished building and maintain some clarity. Thanks for pointing this out though; I'll check on it.


I noticed yesterday that the first-floor facade of this building has been stripped, apparently in preparation for renovations. I asked one of the men working on the demo crew about what will be done with the front face of the building, but he didn't know. Does anyone out there in ED-land have an insight here? I really hope the brick facade will be restored. Toby

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