1325 Arnette Ave.

35.985622, -78.91416

Cross Street
Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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10.12.13 (Photo by Gary Kueber)

Below in italics from the NR listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.

Side-gabled 2-story Eclectic-style house of gable and wing form, with wide "cottage" weatherboards, and 6-over-6 sash windows. The front wing has such medieval English features as a slight upper story bracketed overhang and an exterior chinmey. The entrance is located in a shed bay beside the wing, with a pilastered surround. Windows have original 8-over-12, 8-over-8, and 6- over-6 sash. The rear 2-story porch has been enclosed.

The house appears likely to have been built for Furman A. Bridgers and his wife Margaret Alice Buschmann Bridgers. Furman Bridgers was an instructor at Duke University, possibly in French. They also owned the parcel immediately to the east of the property, 1320 Shepherd Street.

Furman and Margaret were divorced in 1948. In April 1948, the couple conveyed 1325 Arnette and the vacant 1320 Shepherd parcel to a 3rd party (Leslie Ford) who conveyed both parcels to Margaret Buschmann Bridgers. In September 1948, Margaret conveyed 1325 Arnette to Dr. Richard Pearse and his wife Harriett. The 1320 Shepherd tract was separated, and I can't track the path of those deeds from Bridgers until I can pick it up again in 1958.

The Pearses lived in the house until ~1956, when Felix Markham, office manager American Suppliers, was resident. He was still in the house in 1961.

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