1409 Lincoln Street – Estella Bethea House

35.979118, -78.896002

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
Local ID
State ID
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This one-story, front-gabled bungalow is three bays wide and triple-pile with a small, projecting gabled bay on the north elevation. The house has a brick foundation (painted on the façade), wood weatherboards, vinyl windows, and two interior brick chimneys. A front-gabled porch projects from the north end of the façade, supported by tapered wood posts on painted brick piers, with a replacement wood railing running between them; it has a beadboard ceiling, tongue-and-groove floor, and is accessed by a brick stair with brick knee walls. The house retains knee braces in the gables and exposed rafter tails. The earliest known occupant is Estella Bethea in 1940; however, the house was listed as vacant in the 1935 city directory and appears on the 1937 Sanborn map.









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