1502 James Street

35.984661, -78.925948

Year built
C. 1915
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
Local ID
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(Below in italics is from the 2003 Lakewood Park National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)


Lakewood Baptist Church Parsonage. Pyramidal cottage built of common bond brick, with 2 interior chimneys, boxed eaves, 2/2 sash windows, and a hipped porch with Craftsman posts. The wide hipped dormer window is a replacement. Although the Lakewood Baptist Church did not have this house built, they used it as a parsonage until the 1920s. In the late 1920s C. S. Bost, gravestone cutter, lived here. [1925, 1930 CD, interview]

Charles Bost was a  gravestone stonecutter at Durham Marble Works. He and his wife Laura lived here until the early 1930s at which point the tenants turned over yearly from the Vowell family in 1932, followed by tobacco workers Isaac and Annie Jacobs in 1933 and hosiery worker George Rigsbee and his wife Mabel in 1934. The Rigsbees remained here through the 1950s though. Oddly enough in 1961 the person listed as residing in this house is Isaac Jacobs, Jr, perhaps returning to his childhood home. 

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