Preserve Durham's History with a Donation to Open Durham Today! is dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of our community. Run by our parent nonprofit, Preservation Durham, the site requires routine maintenance and upgrades. We do not ask for support often (and you can check the box to "hide this message" in the future), but today, we're asking you to chip in with a donation toward annual maintenance of the site. Your support allows us to maintain this valuable resource, expand our archives, and keep the history of Durham accessible to everyone.
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 6/9/2011 - 8:46pm
Yeez, who would do such a thing to a house like this? To think just a few years ago it retained all of its style and class from another era. The original elements are ruined and the house looks like it was repaired with junk trailer parts. How does our city let this happen to our homes? This is what ruins neighborhoods in concert with the crackerbox duplexes and fourplexes with t-111 or vinyl siding wedged between the older homes by those thinking only of their own profit.
Submitted by Red Lady (not verified) on Thu, 6/9/2011 - 8:46pm
Really sad, doesn't resemble the original at all. This is what happens in older neighborhoods that don't have any type of covenance to keep the look of the area consistent. I've seen some neighborhoods in transition that have beautiful homes and lawns, only to live right next to literal junk piles.
Submitted by Michael Bacon (not verified) on Thu, 6/9/2011 - 8:46pm
And a pox on the porch enclosers. ARGH!
Submitted by John Martin (not verified) on Thu, 6/9/2011 - 8:47pm
Ah, but you have to admit that the contrasting styles of the two front windows is a novel touch.
There must have been an odds and ends sale at Home Depot.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 6/9/2011 - 8:47pm
From beautiful to HIDEOUS :-(
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