1700 W. Lakewood Ave.

35.9867885, -78.9232026

Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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Below in italics is from the National Register and has not been verified by the author.

Judge Alf Wilson House. Large 2-story pyramidal-roofed Craftsman-style house with 2 tall chinmeys and overhanging eaves with exposed rafter tails. Other original features are a hipped donner with casement windows, a hipped wraparound porch with Craftsman posts and wood railing, weatherboards, 511 sash windows, and a glazed and paneled door. The fi·ont steps have granite caps. The east side has an miginal2-stmy wing. The family of Judge AlfWilson were the owner/occupants fi·om at least 1939 to 1952.

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