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Submitted by bmc (not verified) on Sun, 5/29/2011 - 9:52pm
Reminds me of Bay St.
Submitted by Rob Gillespie (not verified) on Mon, 5/30/2011 - 9:52pm
Also reminds me a lot of Rome Ave.
Who was it that originally paved alleys as driveways, instead of asphalt?
The 800 block of Exum is also paved with concrete. I always assumed that DCLT was involved, as they have done a lot to turn the street around. Was it the city, though?
Submitted by Ken (not verified) on Fri, 6/3/2011 - 9:52pm
When I was child I use to go with my father on occasion to do chores for Miss Ila House and Miss Rosa Vickers. They lived at the end of this street. Miss House was a teacher at Y.E. Smith School and beat many a child for learning too slowly. Here meanness and cruelty was legendary.
Submitted by Vivian Taylor Briggs (not verified) on Mon, 6/13/2011 - 2:00am
I lived the first ten years of my life at 310 Carden Alley.I am 62 years old now. The house has been torn down. I used to help Miss House and Mrs. Vickers tend to their garden. My younger sister had Miss House as a first grade teacher. My sister was spanked quite a lot by Miss House. Mrs. Vickers was one of the sweetest ladies that I had ever known.-Vivian Taylor Briggs
Submitted by Vivian Taylor Briggs (not verified) on Mon, 6/13/2011 - 9:52pm
I lived the first ten years of my life at 310 Carden Alley.I am 62 years old now. The house has been torn down. I used to help Miss House and Mrs. Vickers tend to their garden. My younger sister had Miss House as a first grade teacher. My sister was spanked quite a lot by Miss House. Mrs. Vickers was one of the sweetest ladies that I had ever known.-Vivian Taylor Briggs
Submitted by Denise L Harrison (not verified) on Thu, 9/27/2012 - 8:34am
Carden Alley is a sweet, quiet street. I have restored and rehabbed a few houses on this street and the street is regaining new life. We a nice quiet community. Come visit and take a new picture.
Submitted by gary on Thu, 9/27/2012 - 8:54am
Denise - thanks for your message - you can actually modify this and add your own picture! Read how in the "About" link
Submitted by Ricky on Sun, 9/30/2012 - 7:30pm
Doing some family research I discovered my great grand father Carson Blackwell lived @ 310 Carden Alley in 1932
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