1924 Cecil Street

35.972831489116, -78.906726938

Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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Photograph taken by Cheri Szcodronski, National Historic Register Submission, January 2018


Simple in form and detail, this one-story, side-gabled, Minimal Traditional-style house is three bays wide and double-pile with a wide front gable centered on the façade. It has a brick veneer, vinyl windows, flush eaves, rectangular vents in the gables, and an interior brick chimney. A replacement door, centered on the façade, is sheltered by an aluminum awning on decorative metal posts. An inset porch at the left rear (south) has been enclosed with vinyl siding and windows. A frame, gabled ell at the left rear, beyond the enclosed porch, has vinyl siding and a garden window on its left (southeast) elevation.  County tax records date the house to 1947 and the earliest known occupants are Walter Smith, a retired military soldier and owner of a general store, and his wife Mary Smith, a registered nurse at Duke Hospital, in 1950.

On July 7, 1947, J.F. Williams and his wife, Isadora Gray Williams sold the lot to Walter Smith and his wife, Mary M. Smith.  The Smiths lived in the house for many years.  After Mr. Smith's death, Mrs. Smith sold the property to Berendsen Properties LLC on February 20, 2003.

Berendsen Properties LLC remains the owner of the property and has rented it to several tenants.

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