1925 Cecil Street

35.973074607142, -78.906211953869

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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Photograph taken Cheri Szcondronski, National Historic Register Submission, January 2018

Altered with the installation of new windows on the façade that are smaller than the original openings, this one-story, side-gabled Period Cottage is four bays wide and double-pile, with a two-bay-wide, projecting front-gabled wing centered on the façade. The house has a blond brick veneer, replaced at the right (southeast) corner, flush eaves, an interior brick chimney, and an exterior front-facing brick chimney near the right (southeast) end of the façade. It has vinyl windows throughout with those to the left of the entrance being smaller than the original windows with plywood sheathing filling in the remainder of the brick opening. On the right end of the projecting wing is a solid wood door with molding applied to create three panels. It is flanked by glass block sidelights and has a classical surround with fluted pilasters and an entablature with dentil molding. The entrance is accessed by an uncovered brick stoop and stair with a metal railing and a brick planter to its immediate left (west). A side-gabled frame wing on the right elevation, likely an enclosed porch, has vertical plywood sheathing, vinyl windows, and asbestos siding in the gable. A gabled frame wing at the left rear (northwest) has vertical plywood sheathing. County tax records date the house to 1947 and the earliest known occupants are William H. Jones and his wife, Martha M. Jones, owners of the College Inn, in 1950.  They were the parents to one daughter.

After the death of her husband, Mrs. Jones married Carl Easterling in the early 1960s. Easterling coached the Hillside High School basketball team, most notably the “Pony Express” team, which still holds the record as the highest scoring team in the state’s history.

The property has remained in the family and is owned by the Joneses daughter, Valjeanne Jones Williams.

May be an image of 1 person and smiling Photograph of Martha M. Jones  Family Album of Valjeanne Jones Williams  

May be an image of 17 people

Carl L. Easterling, right, Coach and Geometry teacher at Hillside High School 1965 Hillside High School Yearbook  



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