2002 Otis Street

35.974585401057, -78.903626311572

Year built
Year(s) modified
1965, 1985
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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Photographed January 2018, by Cheri Szcodronski (hmwPreservation) for the National Register application.  

From the submission for the College Heights National Register Historic District:

This one-and-a-half-story, front-gabled Period Cottage is three bays wide with a brick veneer and vinyl windows. There is a single window in the front gable and a shorter front-gabled bay on the left (southwest) end of the façade has paired windows on the first floor with a single window in the gable. The entrance, located near the center of the façade on the right (northeast) side of the wide front gable, is a replacement door with classical surround with fluted pilasters sheltered by an aluminum awning. A partially inset porch on the right end of the façade has an entrance on its south elevation and is sheltered by a flared shed-roofed extension of the front-gabled roof. The porch has vinyl siding in its gable and is supported by decorative metal posts. The right elevation features a hip-roofed dormer with an entrance in the second bay that is sheltered by a shed-roof on square posts and is accessed by an exterior wood stair. The left elevation features a gabled roof with exterior brick chimney centered in the gable. Beyond the gable, a hip-roofed dormer extends to the rear of the building and, like the dormer on the right elevation has an entrance sheltered by a shed roof on square posts and accessed by a wood stair. The rear elevation features paired windows in the gable and an interior brick chimney. A low stone wall extends along the sidewalk. The earliest known occupant is Christine Stewart, a tobacco worker, in 1940. 

According to county deed records, North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company sold the lot to C.E. Stewart and his wife, Christine Stewart, on January 14, 1936.  The 1940 telephone directory shows Christine Stewart as the occupant of this house.  

On August 3, 1945, Union Insurance and Realty Company sold the house to Herman T. Lucas and his wife, Julia.  On March 5, 2004, Charsie J. Herndon sold the property to Jim Okeke and his wife, Joy Okeke.  Charsie Herndon, who died on July 2, 2006, was the daughter of Julia Wright Herndon Lucas.  Mr. Herndon died when Charsie was young and Mrs. Lucas remarried to Herman Lucas.

Mr. and Mrs. Okeke are still the owners of this house as a rental property.

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