205 Albemarle Street

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National Register
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From the TP NR nomination:

W.T. Purvis, who lived at 1003 Lamond Ave., had this Foursquare constructed in the 1920s for rental property. Modest Colonial Revival detailing on the two-story frame structure is restricted to the Palladian windcm arrangement in the gabled attic dormer.

08.23.13 (G. Kueber)

This house has been bizarrely abandoned and boarded up forever. I don't know the story, but it's a good example of how persistently stubborn, non-reality-based ownership of real property makes fools of economists who talk about how 'markets' function because people are 'rational actors.' They've clearly never tried to negotiate with someone who thinks his property can't be sold (despite it falling down) because he believes his dead momma's ghost is still in the house. (True story, though not this house.) I haven't checked out this house in awhile, so I can't say for certain that nothing is happening here as of August 2013, although if the previous 15-20 years is any indication, it isn't.

This house was finally renovated in 2019 - I'm glad it lasted long enough to be renovated.

TMLS / 501 Realty (July 2019.)


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