211 South Driver - Wyatt House

35.983337, -78.877415

Year built
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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211 South Driver, 10.02.10

211 South Driver, 10.02.10

This little house has always intrigued me, as its deeper-than-typical front yard, construction style, and the fact that the front of the house is not parallel to South Driver St. all indicate to me a house that is older than the others around it, despite its integration into the row of later houses on the block face.

Deed records indicate that a larger piece of property, including this parcel and the two parcels between it and Ashe Street, was conveyed on August 6, 1892 from WJ Wyatt and his wife Susan K Wyatt to Hutson and Ella Emory. WJ Wyatt owned all of the property between Ashe St., South Driver St., Briggs Ave., and Hart St, and although I can't definitively confirm that this was the original house on that large piece of property, I'm going with that hypothesis.


The house has been owned by John Myles since 1999, and has deteriorated since then; the center chimney toppled at some point a few years ago; I don't know what the fate of the property is going to be. It has the potential to be a neat little house for someone.

(Below in italics is from the 2004 East Durham National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

Side-gabled 1 1/2-story house with a central chimney, German siding, 4-over-4 sash windows, and a full front porch with original turned posts. This appears to be one of the oldest houses on the street because of its unusually tall proportions. A stone retaining wall fronts the yard. 1930 CD: Jeter Wheeler occupant ( knitter).

C Shed. Ca. 1930. Front-gable shed with German siding.

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