212 South Driver Street

35.983328, -78.877952

Year built
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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212 South Driver Street, 10.02.10

(Below in italics is from the 2004 East Durham National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

Side-gable house with gable end chimney that resembles an I-house, yet is 1 1/2 stories tall. The 4-over-4 sash windows are the only original exterior fabric that is visible. Alterations include aluminum siding, replacement metal porch posts on the full hipped porch, and a room added to the upper porch. The form resembles a Durham Cotton Manufacturing Co. mill house of the late 19th century. 1913 SM. 1930 CD: Allie Emory (inspector), R. Benton Hayes (shoe shop), Jos. W. Wilkerson (mill hand), occupants.


I can't get over the weird frame-in, porch-top, um, super gable? What is up with that?

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