2543 South Alston Ave.

35.94849, -78.8823

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In the mid 1950's this was a neighborhood store and also garage for car/pick-up repairs. The business was owned and operated by the Wynne Brothers, Clayborn and Earl (or Errol). They were of the Wynne family and both lived just a bit further south of this building,,same side of S. Alston Ave.. Clayborn lived with his family at 2615 S. Alston and the brother on one of the side streets. The old two story frame family home( now gone) was just a few doors down from the Clayborn Wynne home and was owned and occupied by his parents who lived there until their passing. His mother was of the Lowe family-very early settlers of Lowes Grove. Numerous other family members- brothers, sisters , aunts, cousins, all lived close by . Many of these homes are not now standing. Also most of the original farm land which stretched out behind many of the homes is now subdivisions. Many members of the Wynne family remain in the Durham area.

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