309 Bon Air

36.029232, -78.888418

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It appears that this large house was likely the house of Dr. T.T. Frazier.


Subdivision plat for Dr. Frazier's land (likely upon his death, but unknown.) 309 Bon Air is lot #12 on this subdivision.

I can't find any easily accessible information about Dr. Frazier, but perhaps some Bragtown natives can enlighten me / us.


This house was my grandmothers house Leo Malone for many years

TT Fraizer was my great-great grandfather. He was a dentist. I understand that his father and his father before him lived close by and owned a very large tract of land that wouild include most of what is now Bragtown well before the Civil War. (Mom said the Yankees took most of after the war of northern aggression). His full name was Thomas Trent Fraizer. His son was Theoderick Trent Fraizer. My parents named me after them (middle name is Trent) and I named my son Thomas Trent. I understand that Dr. Frazier would ride horse and buggy to thet Oxford Orphanage regularly to treat the children there. I know many things about the history of the buildings and houses in Bragtown. I will be glad to help in any way.

Doug - would love any additional info you have to add. Here is the neighborhood page for Bragtown:


where you can see all of the buildings in Bragtown that already have entries; feel free to add to those, comment on those, or add new buildings/people/businesses with "Create Content."

Many thanks


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