309 Portland Avenue / New Street / Carver Storage Warehouses

35.993267, -78.906761

Cross Street
Year built
Year demolished
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309 Portland, as seen from Warren Street, looking north.
(Courtesy Durham County Library)

Portland Avenue was a fairly grand sounding name for a one-block long street that had been called "New Street" during the early 20th century, a street whose primary feature was two large shed warehouses that fronted on Warren Street, to the west, as well.

Sanborn map showing New Street and the warehouses, 1937.
(Copyright Sanborn Map Co.)

Below, an aerial shot looking north from Morehead Ave in the foreground. One of the two small houses on the north side of New Street / Portland Ave appears to have already been torn down by the time of this mid-1950s picture.

(Courtesy Herald-Sun)

By 1959, its name had been changed to Portland Ave, and by 1965, the other house torn down as well.

The rear of 309 Warren, looking east., 1965
(Courtesy Durham County Library)

Portland Ave. disappeared in 1967 with all of the houses and buildings courtesy of urban renewal, and was converted to a massive car dealership in 1972 by the Alexander Ford Motor Co.

Approximate location of Portland Ave., 02.10.08.


Ugh. Why can't they just join Elkins and go south?!

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