3625 Stratford Road, 1969

35.949706, -78.955253

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3625 Stratford Road, 1969, Noncontributing Building

One-and-a-half-story, side-gabled, brick Colonial Revival house with dentil molding at cornice, gabled dormers, paneled centered front entry with transom, 6/6 and 8/8 sash, flanking one-story wings, and corbelled chimney.


I live in Hope Valley and on my walk every day I walk by this house and just want to pick it up and hug it and take care of it. Is there a status on this property?

The house is owned by a gentleman who is struggling with addiction and is seeking residential treatment.

In reply to by Tad DeBerry (not verified)

is there anything that can be done to either lease or rent or own? just wondering as it is a beautiful property and very sad to watch it go "to pot", so to speak. In any case my husband and I have been caretaker's in the past and just wondering the status of the property. Thanks for your reply.

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