405 Ottawa Ave.

35.996241, -78.894214

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 2009 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

This one-story, front-gable Craftsman house is three bays wide and quadruple-pile with a partially recessed front porch sheltered by a projecting front gable. The house rests on a painted brick foundation with vinyl siding, soffits, and brackets, and an asphalt-shingled roof. The porch is supported by battered wood posts, resting on painted brick piers with painted concrete caps. There is a low gable, roughly the same size as the porch gable, on the right (east) elevation. All three gables have simple vinyl-covered brackets along the roofline and there are two interior brick chimneys in the right rear of the house. Original nine-over-one windows are located throughout the house with a small four-light window in the porch gable. The first known resident is Isaac Ornoff (auto parts) in 1929 and 1934.

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