406 N. Queen St.

35.995733, -78.8947

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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This one-story Minimal Traditional-style house is two bays wide and double-pile. The house has a brick foundation, German-profile siding, and an asphalt-shingled, side-gabled roof. The house has two chimneys, an exterior end brick chimney on the south end of the house and an interior brick chimney. The projecting front-gable porch is supported by cast-iron posts and has a wide, plain span. The house has twelve-over-twelve wood windows on the front façade and six-over-six wood windows on the side elevations. The front door is a fifteen-light French door with sidelights of the same size and pane configuration. A gabled block, the full width of the house, extends from the rear. The house appears on the 1937 Sanborn map*. 

The house does not appear on the 1937 Sanborn map; its earliest appearance in the city directory is 1942. In 1942, the resident is James R. Thomas, whose occupation is listed as "Line Foreman"; his wife is listed as E. Rouso Thomas. 

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