408 S. Buchanan Blvd. - J. L. Remington House

35.99886, -78.914546

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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State ID
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This one-story, triple-A-roofed house is three-bays wide and single pile with a gabled rear ell and a modern shed-roofed addition to the left of the ell. The house has a hip-roofed front porch; its tapered wood posts on brick piers likely replaced earlier porch supports and a replacement railing extends between the piers. The house has a brick foundation under the main building and rear ell and a concrete block foundation under the modern shed-roofed addition. It is covered with vinyl siding and has vinyl soffits, one-over-one vinyl sash windows, and vinyl gable vents. A modern hollow-core metal door has replaced the original wood door with transom. The earliest known resident is J. L. Remington (carpenter), who lived there with Mrs. Lillie F. Remington, Mrs. Nettie R. Bishop, and Mrs. Lorantha Belvin in 1902.

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