408 South Driver Street

35.981933, -78.878202

Year built
Year demolished
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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408 South Driver, 1980

(Below in italics is from the 2004 East Durham National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

Lindsay Seagroves House and Store. One-story side-gable house with a front gable, weatherboard, 9-over-1 paired sash windows, and a Craftsman porch with a replacement railing. A frame store addition, No. 406, projects from the west front bay of the house to the sidewalk. The facade has been covered with metal. This store abuts the brick building to the north at 400-404 S. Driver St.

1925-1945 CDs: Lindsay P. Seagroves owner/occupant. Seagroves was vice-president of Knit-Well Hosiery Mill in 1925.




The pink building used to be a fresh fish shop (long ago!). The shop keepers lived in the attached house.

the house was owned by LP Seagroves Sr. He also owned the whole corner of buildings. Ten Children were raised there. The Seagroves family did not run the fish market. It was the East Durham Fish Market A Mr. Holder started a meat market there. A Mr. Charles Smith ran the fish market. Mr. Seagroves had a grocery in the taller building to the right. This information came from my mother, Rose Seagroves Smith. She was the youngest child of the home and is the last child living...at 84. I remember the fish market and spent many happy holidays at the house.

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