602 Primitive St.

35.996358, -78.891932

Cross Street
Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
Local ID
State ID
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(Below in italics is from the Holloway District NR listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

The Joseph Shipp House is a typical one-story, triple-A-roofed house, three bays wide and singlepile. It is plain in detail with German-profile weatherboards, cornerboards, boxed eaves, wide fascia boards, and rectangular gable vents. The brick pier foundation has been stuccoed throughout and filled in with German-profile siding on the west side. The house has an asphaltshingled roof and the hip-roofed front porch has been altered with replacement posts, rails, anddecking. Original windows have been replaced with smaller, one-over-one vinyl windows and the front door is a modern replacement. Two one-story gabled ells extend parallel to each other from the rear of the house terminating at a partially enclosed shed-roofed porch. The earliest known resident is Joseph Shipp (bookkeeper, Edgar E. Thompson) in 1907. Shipp is listed as a police officer from 1915 to 1919 and a timekeeper for the City Water Department in 1929. He remained in the house through 1939.   The house appears to have undergone significant renovation in the last decade.  
February 2021 (N. Levy). The house next door at 604 Primtive - uphill to the left - appears to have likewise been renovated recently.

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