607 Primitive St.

35.996661, -78.891501

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
Local ID
State ID
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(Below in italics is from the Holloway District NR listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

A typical one-story, triple-A-roofed house, like many others on the street, the house retains its original three bays wide and single-pile form. It has a stuccoed brick foundation, asbestos shingle siding, and vinyl soffits, eaves, and porch ceiling. The asphalt-shingled roof has an interior brick chimney. The shed-roofed front porch is supported by replacement square posts. The house retains two-over-two wood windows and plain wood surrounds. A gabled wing extends from the left (west) side of the house with a partially enclosed shed-roofed porch within the ell. The residents changed frequently and include Betty Rhodes (widow) and Samuel C. Southerland in 1907, Charlie Crabtree and Mrs. Annie Sykes (widow) in 1911, and Thomas E. Lasater (Met Life Insurance Company) in 1915.

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