Preserve Durham's History with a Donation to Open Durham Today! is dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of our community. Run by our parent nonprofit, Preservation Durham, the site requires routine maintenance and upgrades. We do not ask for support often (and you can check the box to "hide this message" in the future), but today, we're asking you to chip in with a donation toward annual maintenance of the site. Your support allows us to maintain this valuable resource, expand our archives, and keep the history of Durham accessible to everyone.
Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference and makes you a member of Preservation Durham. Help us keep Durham's history alive for future generations.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 9/14/2009 - 6:14pm
756 Ninth Street housed Bull City Bikes (irrefutably not the worst bike shop in town) in the early 80s. Bull City Bikes eventually moved into the building on Main St that now houses Alivia's. When the bike shop moved Ninth Street Bakery expanded their seating into 756 and cut a connecting archway between 754 and 756. A small natural body care shop, Blue Moon, was in a small area at the back of 756 for a while, too.
752 was home to a wind instrument repair shop in the early 80s run by Craig (I can't remember his last name).
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 9/15/2009 - 3:22pm
Poindexter Records was @ 756 for a few years in the late '80s/early '90s, in addition to their 718 Ninth and Perry street locations...
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