828 Burch Ave.

35.998349, -78.916835

Year built
Year(s) modified
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 2009 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

This two-story, hip-roofed Craftsman house is three-bays wide and double pile with a one- story shed-roofed addition across the rear. The house has wide roof overhangs with exposed eaves, three interior brick chimneys, original wood weatherboards, and four-over-one Craftsman windows. The one-story, hip-roofed front porch is supported by tapered wood posts on brick piers. Windows on the first floor, under the porch and at the rear, are paired. The front door is an original four-light over two-panel Craftsman door.

Residents have been listed at this address since 1905, however, the building on the 1913 Sanborn map is a one- story structure. Miss Lula Pendergrass purchased the property in 1909 and remained in the house through 1925. She may have enlarged or replaced the home during her ownership, but it is more likely that the house assumed its current form when it changed ownership in the late 1920s.

Charles Upchurch (grocer) and his wife Lurline are listed in the house from at least 1930 to 1940.

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