911 Rome Ave.

36.000032, -78.916034

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 2009 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

This one-story, front-gabled duplex is four-bays wide and triple pile. It is symmetrical with paired front-gabled porches, each supported by replacement square posts with replacement railings. The building retains original molded wood weatherboards, a rectangular louvered vent in the front gable, exposed rafter tails, and six-over-six wood windows. It has a brick foundation and three interior brick chimneys. The building is identical in form to the duplexes at 907 and 909 Rome Avenue. The earliest known occupants are Marion C. Briggs (employee, University Motors Inc.) his wife Katherine Mae, and Mrs. Bertha I. Somers (hosiery worker) in 1940.

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