913 Rome Ave.

36.000045, -78.91619

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Below in italics is from the 2009 National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

This one-story, front-gabled bungalow is four-bays wide and triple pile with a shed-roofed addition across the rear. The house has a full-width, engaged front porch supported by grouped tapered posts on weatherboard-covered piers with a low, weatherboard-covered knee wall running between them. The house retains original wood weatherboards, but has replacement windows and doors. Craftsman details include exposed eaves with knee braces and a grouping of multi-light windows in the front gable. A second door was added prior to 1981 when the house was converted to a duplex. The house is identical in form to the house at 915 Rome Avenue and was likely constructed by the same person.

The house is listed as vacant in the 1919 city directory; the earliest known occupant is C. M. Campbell (machine operator) in 1925. Prior to 1940, when the three duplexes were built just to the east, this home had the address of 911 Rome.

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