921 Burch Ave.

35.997804, -78.919119

Cross Street
Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
Local ID
State ID
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This one-story, side-gabled bungalow is three-bays wide and triple pile. The house features a front-gabled porch supported by tapered wood posts on painted brick piers with a replacement railing between them; a six-light Craftsman window is centered in the gable. The house is covered with asbestos siding and has plywood in the front gable and vinyl soffits and eaves. A single four-over-one Craftsman window remains on the right (west) elevation, but all others have been replaced with vinyl windows. The front door is an interior six-panel door.

The earliest known resident is Lucius G. Vickers (machinist) who was listed in the house in 1925 and 1930.


May have been a lightning strike. No clue on the location though.

I can't imagine a fire breaking out with such an organized tangle of electrical wires...

It looks like the corner of liberty st and barnes ave. I grew up on barnes ave

I think the 401 is just gold leaf scribe. However the unit appears to be a closed cab ALF 1960 model. If there were records of apparatus assignments available, this could narrow it down.

The fire engine has '401' on the front. Probably means it is Station 4. Where is Station 4 located? Also seems to be a tall, solid building in the background, above the trees.

Finally, one I recognize! It's 917 and 921 Burch Avenue, the southeast corner of Burch and Brewster.

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