922 Englewood Ave.

36.015088, -78.90771

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
Building Type
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(Durham County tax office)

(Below in italics is from the National Register listing; not verified for accuracy by this author.)

Intact front-gable 1 1/2-story bungalow with wide weatherboard, 9/1 sash windows, decorative eave brackets and exposed rafter tails. An offset gabled porch with stuccoed piers shelters a glazed and paneled door. The gable bargeboards and upper porch posts are reproductions o f the originals. A gabled attic stmy projecting from the rear roof may be an early addition. This was a portion of the Boone property. Charles Scarlett, of Scarlett & Scarlett, was the occupant in 1930 and 1935. [owner interview, 1930, 1935 CDs, 1937 SM]

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