Duke And W. Knox - Northwest

36.013064, -78.905537

Cross Street
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Looking northwest from N. Duke and W. Knox, May 1938
(Courtesy Duke Forest Collection)

Looking northwest from N. Duke and W. Knox, 06.21.10
(Copyright Endangered Durham)

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Hey, none of the houses appear to match between 1938 and 2010... what gives?

Actually, the houses match perfectly.

The house on the far left is the same in both photos.

The house with the terrace in the 1938 photo now has a small portico, instead.

The house with the long porch roof, behind the fir tree is still there, though the tree is long gone.

The little eyebrow dormer on the first house on the left is also gone.

Interesting to see how the cool little details seem to fall away from these houses over the years.

Cool little details are a serious PITA when it comes to maintenance...

Okay, still having trouble.

1. Eyebrow dormer house: are you all saying it's now the one with the red door? But in the old picture it looked like its door was on the side facing south (or maybe that's a porch door).

Then the next current house doesn't look like anything (guess it was a vacant lot in 1938?)


The next house does look like a match from the side.

Looking at the color photo, the first house (yellow/tan with white trim) is the one that lost its eyebrow dormer. The second house was apparently built after the b&w photo was taken. The third house is the one with the tapered brick chimney on the side and the cool double decker porch that's been lopped off. The fourth house is the one with the long gable roof extending out towards the street.

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