Hubert And Mary Teer House, 1932

35.943374, -78.943881

Year built
Architectural style
Construction type
National Register
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Hubert and Mary Teer House

2825 Chelsea Circle, 1932, Contributing Building

George Watts Carr, architect

George Kane, builder

Elaborate two-and-a-half-story side-gabled brick Colonial Revival house with two-story, flat-roofed, full-width portico with roof balustrade and squared columns; three gabled dormers with round-arched windows at front roof slope; Palladian window centered at second story is physically tied to centered front entrance at first story by a molded surround; front entrance further enriched with sidelights; other windows are 6/6 sash; two-story side-gabled west wing has a bay window at the ground floor; flatroofed porte cochere with balustrade at west end of that wing; flat-roofed hyphen houses a sunroom at east end of main block and joins the house to a one-and-a-half-story front-gabled wing; pierced brick wall at the southeast corner of the parcel joins to a brick and iron fence that edges the south side of the parcel. Hubert and Mary Teer hired George Watts Carr to design the house and George Kane to build it. Teer and his brother Nello Teer owned an international paving contracting firm.


2825 Chelsea Circle, ca. 1932, Contributing Building

Near-exact miniature frame replica of the Teer house, commissioned by Hubert Teer for his daughter, stands on its own brick foundation in the side yard west of the porte cochere.

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