James Parrish House

35.8755972818, -78.9495779167

Cross Street
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Built for the James Parrish family between 1913 and 1918, this large frame Foursquare farmhouse was added to an earlier one-story frame dwelling (now the rear ell) moved to the site from another location on the property. Although less frequently found in rural areas of North Carolina, four squares dominated middle class housing in towns across the state from 1910-30. The Parrish house is typical of many with its box-like form, hipped roof, prominent hipped dormer, and wide cornice, but its wrap-around porch with pedimented gables surmounting clipped corners and the entry is more unusual. Fenestration on the front facade is organized into three symmetrical bays and windows around the house contain nine-over-one sash common to the period. The interior has a center hall plan and heavy dark-stained woodwork of the Craftsman style. Outbuildings near the house include a log chicken house, a frame smokehouse and wood shed combination, a well shelter and a small frame equipment shed. Across NC 751, a large frame pack house, a barn, and several storage buildings are in ruinous condition.


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