Nachamson House

36.004247, -78.90884

Cross Street
Year built
Architectural style
Building Type
Historic Preservation Society of Durham Plaque No.
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Nachamson House, 1980

The Nachamson House, another Renaissance Revival house on Minerva - though not as grand as the Kronheimer house, was built by another downtown Durham retailer. Eli and Jenny Nachamson moved to Durham from Kinston in the mid-1920s to start the United Dollar Stores Company on West Main St. They built the house on Minerva St. in 1928. Their daughter, Sara Nachamson Evans, married 'Mutt' Evans, and that couple assumed ownership of the store.


Nachamson House, 07.20.10

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Love that house, and I don't miss the shutters. (I despise shutters that aren't actually big enough to cover the windows, if they even could be closed).

Eli Evans offers some memories of this house on pages 342-343 of his book, The Lonely Days Were Sundays: Reflections of a Jewish Southerner.

Other stories of Eli and Jennie Nachamson fill the pages, as well.

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