Ralph B. Fuller House, 3938 Dover Road, Ca. 1928

Year built
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Prominently sited two-story, side-gabled, mitered-weatherboard Colonial Revival house with centered from entry with sidelights and transom sheltered by segmental barrel-arch gabled entry portico on Doric columns; two-story, setback side-gabled wing at left end of facade, one-story, flat-roofed sunroom at right end; 6/1 sash; fronted by low stone retaining walls; very large circa 1980 two-story side-gabled garage with side entry added at rear, attached with a hyphen.  City records dates this house to 1928.

Ralph B. Fuller, and insurance agent, built this house for his family.  Mena Fuller Webb, author and Durham historian, spent her early years in this

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