Robert And Billie Faye Baker House, 1963

35.948898, -78.9505

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Robert and Billie Faye Baker House

3126 Cornwall Road, 1963, Noncontributing Building

One-story Ranch house with side-gabled roof, brick exterior, 8/12 replacement sash, sidelights at paneled front door, pedimented portico on Ionic columns, dentil molding at portico cornice, and interior brick chimney.

Robert F. Baker purchased this lot from his parents and built this home for his wife and children in 1963.  Mr. Baker grew up next door in Linden Briers the house his parents built in 1943. Note the similar oval window in the front pedimented portico of this home and the home next door.  

Mrs. Baker's parents lived about a block away in the William and Ophelia Edwards House, 3610 Dover Road.

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